Friday, November 4, 2011

Occupy My Room (and my last nerve)

This week I had to go to Santa Anaand do some business with a government entity and I had the horrible experience of having to cross the Occupy stink.  After watching their pointless, misguided and ridiculous attempt at making a coherent point, I decided that I wanted to Occupy My Room, and whilst I am Occupying my room here is what I expect from you all.

Can you please listen to every whining rant I have if it makes sense or not.
Can you please pay my bills and mortgage with a damn smile on your face even if I’m being an ass and ungrateful
Will someone please care for my children
Can you make sure that you keep this room comfortable and bring food to me.
Please go to my job and do it for me (But give me my paycheck)
As I sit on my ass in my room whining will you please bring me the buckets of money that I deserve for doing no work……….

Have I begun to get on your nerves yet? I sure have gotten on my nerves, just pretending to talk like this
 Do I sound ridiculous??  Yes (AND SO DO YOU OCCUPY PEOPLE)

Oh and the Occupy people, seriously – YOU STINK!!!  Go home and take a damn bath, people are not taking you seriously, and if you are going to stink, no one is going to want to get close enough to listen to the ridiculous whining point that you are trying to make.  I feel bad you were raised by people that taught you to that you deserve a handout for doing nothing.  That just isn't the case, and I hope you learn that, but through the stench I doubt there will ever be a point made.  Your parents should have taught you something about personal responsibility.  Everyone mooching off the government tit is collapsing Europe - pay attention.   I mean really, are you in a better position now 2 months later living like the homeless in the park?  Doubtful.

I really don’t care what your political beliefs are, but you have obviously been misled to believe that everyone owes you something.  Well guess what boys and girls, you are going to have to pick yourselves up, dust yourselves off, and go work for all the stuff you want.  You are able, and young and there is nothing keeping from doing stuff except the fact that you’re jealous others have worked for stuff and have more than you.  GET OVER IT!  Go work for your own stuff and quit crying.  No one in their right mind is going to GIVE you a house, GIVE you money, or give you food all the time because you want to plank your ass in a park for weeks and ramble like buffoons.

I want to stay in my room and have everyone take care of all the stuff that I don’t want to do but, it ain’t ever going to happen.  Not to mention the fact that I hate living in filth.  You all seem not to mind the stench of urine, b.o, and general stink, but if you elect to go and work, you will have to bathe.

I’m not happy with the state of things or my bank account, but there is nothing that is going to change by people urinating in the bushes, living in stink, and crying like babies.  Go do for yourselves, and quit waiting for people that work hard to do for you, they are busy doing for themselves and their families.